Wednesday, July 02, 2008


I realized today that I once again will be rearranging my dream scrapbook room to make a space for my new Accucut GrandMARK die cutting machine and the 20+ dies that I ordered...dh is going to love me, when he helped with my scrapbook room in October I promised I would leave my room alone, no moving or changes, it was set. But that was nine months ago...a girl is allowed to change her mind in that length of time and he has known me long enough to know I always change my mind. I hope he comes home from his golf game in a good mood tomorrow so I can break the news to him that I need some new storage shelves and yes, they really need to be custom fit to the Accucut dies...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Surely he knows better than to think that you won't change your mind or the room?!! Hope you all had a great time scrapping on the fourth...can't seem to get motivated but did finally get the stuff out of the various travel cases just in case I have a moment of inspiration. cber